Te Mana o Te Iwi Wānanga
Empowering Hapū under the Te Pā Auroa (Te Awa Tupua) Framework
Tenei rā te pātuki atu nei ki te keo o Ruapehu te tu mai nei,
Rere iho ana ngā wai tukunga kiri kia rauhitia te kaupapa tangata,
Rārangahia ngā kōrero tupuna kia kotahi te hā o Whanganui,
Ko te awa te mātāpuna o te ora, koia ko te Awa Tupua.
There has been a strong calling by hapū along the river for a dedicated effort to come together and wānanga. With the number of government environmental reforms in train and the constant wave of territorial authorities drawing on our time, attention and resources it is timely to refresh our collective understanding and experiences on the nuances of Te Pa Auroa (The Te Awa Tupua framework) and Te Heke Ngahuru (The Whanganui River Strategy) to set the direction for activities in the Whanganui River catchment.
Two wānanga are confirmed
Monday 20th November – Tuesday 21st November 2023,
Mōrero Marae – Taumarunui;
Monday 4th - Tuesday 5th December 2023,
Te Ao Hou Marae – Whanganui
Both wānanga will commence with whakatau at 4pm and we envisage the wānanga will conclude the following day after lunchtime. Overnight accommodation will be available so please bring all of your bedding essentials, including any dietary requirements where necessary in your RSVP.
For planning purposes please RSVP by email to office@ngatangatatiaki.co.nz by Friday 17 November 2023.
Nau mai, rarau mai e ngā manga iti e ngā manga nui,
kia whakakotahi tātou i raro i Te Mana o Te Iwi o Whanganui.
Do you whakapapa to the Whanganui River? Would you and your whānau like to be registered on the Whanganui Iwi Database? What does that mean?
It means that you get sent pānui and updates on kaupapa related to the Whanganui River and Te Awa Tupua, the people and the river from the Mountains to the Sea. You can also apply for the different grants that are advertised on our website and facebook page.
If you are already on the database and need to up date your details please head to the database or send us an email at office@ngatangatatiaki.co.nz