Kaihautū Quarterly Update

He pukenga wai, he nohanga tangata
He nohoanga tangata, he putanga korero

Tihei mauriora

Ki nga mate o te wa, haere atu ra koutou, okioki ai ki o matua tipuna. Ratou ki a ratou, otira tatou ki a tatou nga kanohi ora, nga hapu o tena pito, o tena pito o Te Awa Tupua tena koutou katoa.

This letter follows on from the one sent in November which are aimed at keeping you all informed of the various kaupapa Nga Tangata Tiaki (NTT) is supporting.

The e-panui is continuing to be circulated monthly. Please ensure that the details for your marae and hapū key contacts are up to date so that you get these pānui and any other communications in a timely manner.

There have been some changes in our office and across our workstreams;

  • Gerrard Albert has returned to help out on the ground here at Nga Tangata Tiaki having been appointed as Principal Advisor recently. Upholding Tupua Te Kawa and reinforcing its application across policy and relationship settings continues to be critical to our settlement implementation. Having Gerrard back on the team has brought some much-needed senior experience to lead this work Gerrard will be looking at developing tools to guide decision making and training on components of Ruruku Whakatupua for our use across our lwi, and then more broadly, across the communities of Te Awa Tupua.
  • Near the end of last year, the team also welcomed Nikorima Te Ngahue, commonly known across the community as Richard. Nikorima has joined our Mouri Tūroa team led by Gordon Cribb. Nikorima will be working with the contractors we hope to engage as part of our Mouri Tūroa, jobs for nature approach.
  • Te Aroha McDonnell will move from a primary focus on Environment to supporting landowner engagement in the lower reaches of the Awa for Mouri Turoa. Please encourage your whanau who have lands bordering the Awa or its tributaries on the lower reaches of the Awa if they need fencing, riparian planting or pest and weed control, to fill in the expression of interest form ( discussed further in this letter).
  • Javell Ranginui is set to return in the new year after a year at MFE on secondment. The time that Javell has spent with MFE has been invaluable so its likely that we will establish an opportunity for her to remain connected to that work. This allows a two-way exchange of insights and experience where we can benefit from some of the things and specialists they have, and they can benefit from the innovation and specialists we have.

Other updates

Mouri Tūroa

The expressions of interests are now open for Mouri Turoa. There are two processes open, one for our people who are established contractors in fencing, riparian planting, pest and weed control and the other is for landowners.

Here are the links to these EOI's:

Contractors please fill in the Online Expression of Interest form by clicking here to submit your interest.

Landowners please fill in the Online Expression of Interest form here to submit your interest.

Hapainga te Mana o Te Iwi

A small but informative hui was held with our whanau at Ngati Hau at Patiarero on November the 16th. The hui discussed the increased usage of tourists on the low stretch of the Awa. Noted concerns included the limited camp site facilities on this stretch of the Awa, leading to other issues. Concerns were raised about the Department of Conservation withdrawing some capacity from Pipiriki and the loss of this workforce out of the region. These are just a couple of things raised in what was a very informative hui. If there are any hapu wanting to hui with us, please let us know what suits you and we can come and meet.

NTT Trust Deed Review

The legislation provides for a review of the NTT Trust Deed within five years of the settlement date. Mana Recruitment have been engaged to advertise for an Independent Facilitator. This person will work with the hapu and iwi throughout the review process from the ground up, while remaining in line with the process of review described in the existing Trust Deed. The advertisement and details are live on the Mana Recruitment website if you know anyone who may be suitable.

Governance essentials training

KPMG has been engaged to deliver a Governance 101 training programme in the new year. The training is aimed at supporting our Rangatakapu to build general knowledge and understanding about the role of governance. The training will cover;

1)            Understanding legislation, constitutions (deeds, trust orders etc) and charters

2)            Board dynamics and culture including how to get your voice heard

3)            Board composition and a comparison of representation, democratic/elected at large and skills- based models

4)            Considerations when appointing to or supporting people for roles

5)            Governance, management, and the grey zone

6)             Understanding financial reporting in its different forms

As we have numerous hapu, unfortunately at this stage we can only accommodate for 2 Rangatakapu nominations from each hapu or marae.

The training will be delivered using online workshops and everyone will be brought together for 1-day hui at the end. Please register your interest by sending your name and contact details to Office@ngatangatatiaki.co.nz

Ngā mihi, 

Nancy Tuaine


Do you whakapapa to the Whanganui River? Would you and your whānau like to be registered on the Whanganui Iwi Database? What does that mean?

It means that you get sent pānui and updates on kaupapa related to the Whanganui River and Te Awa Tupua, the people and the river from the Mountains to the Sea. You can also apply for the different grants that are advertised on our website and facebook page.

If you are already on the database and need to up date your details please head to the database or send us an email at office@ngatangatatiaki.co.nz